Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lazy Saturday

Been sitting here for almost an hour now and I can't think of anything to write. I was supposed to write an article about healthcare job and I am contemplating on the issues of our newly registered nurses here, why they are paying the hospital where they render services ( I actually wrote something about it in my other blog when I saw the documentary news in the local TV weeks ago) but I am hoping I can write an in depth article about it.

Oh well, I guess the lazy bug hit me early this morning and I've been having a lazy Saturday. :)

But still..lazy means I did nothing the whole day. I still help the husband sells the rejected t-shirts out side the house. We sold 5 actually. Yey!! We still need to dispose 80 more :)

If you want to read about the t-shirt and why it was may read my post here.

1 comment:

  1. Lazy Saturdays are a good thing. Just go with it.

    I'm sending prayers that all your t-shirts sell.

    Have a terrific day. :)
