Friday, May 28, 2010

On insurance

Guess what time is it now?

Well, my pc clock says it's already 2:55 AM and I am still wide awake, typing, browsing,reading,making comments and all. Probably it's because of the tall coffee I had in the office early this evening. It is good though because finally I have time to go through term life insurance over the net. I've been wanting to read about it for a long time since my husband health and accident insurance expired last year. I felt the need to have that because he is often in the road with his motorbike although I am praying I do not have to use it ever.

Before, insurance is not a big thing here in my little country. People who buy such are the above average people earning more than enough to pay for it. But since there are loads of insurance companies now offering with a very low cost, people are learning and are buying.

How about you? Do you have any insurance? what kind it is? Health? Pension? or Accident?

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