Thursday, September 03, 2009


I am sick and I know I need to rest but poor me is in the office and working hard..well, not really working hard as you can see I am still typing away and making blog post from here.

It's been a while since I made a real personal post here and this blog is meant to be my personal blog. I don't want to make excuses though. I know I am just plain lazy but then again I guess there is nothing quite interesting happening in me personally except for that wonderful meeting with old friends from Cabanatuan last weekend.

It's nice to see them after three long years..gosh they are all still beautiful and skinny! So what happened to me? I look so big ( gee..I am big!!).

Howell, it somehow challenged me to at least start losing weight for the nth time and make sure that when I see them again I will not be that big na!! promise!!


  1. Feel better soon Rocks. Being sick sucks. Just saying. :)

  2. Wish you get well soon..and thanks for stop by my blog.

    All Little Things I Like
